


星座:巨蟹座 不详 不详



代表作:老友记 第三季,同志亦凡人 第三季,同志亦凡人 第五季,犯罪现场调查 第...,同志亦凡人 第二季


  Robert Gant began acting in television commercials and joined the Screen Actors Guild at the age of ten in his home state of Florida. He attended undergrad at the University of Pennsylvania and law school at Georgetown University. While studying law, he never gave up on his true passion, acting, and performed in numerous theatrical productions. Interestingly, it was his career as an attorney that brought him to Los Angeles when he accepted a position with the world's largest law firm. In a twist of fate, the firm's Los Angeles office was closed soon after. Taking that as an omen, he made the decision to focus all of his time on acting. The decision was a good one.  In 2001 Grant was cast in Showtime's hit television series, "Queer as Folk." Prior to QAF, he recurred on the WB's "Popular" and on NBC's "Caroline in the City." Gant has had many notable guest spots on such TV hits as "Friends," "Veronica's Closet," "Becker," "Melrose Place," "Ellen," and "Providence." He also appeared in the independent films "The Contract," "Fits and Starts" and "Marie and Bruce," starring Julianne Moore and Matthew Broderick.  Gant was the recipient of a special civil rights award presented to him in New York's City Hall. Other recipients were Sharon Gless and Gale Harold, also of "Queer as Folk," along with "Chicago" director Rob Marshall, Shirley MacLaine and Steven Daldry.  His time in Hollywood is not limited to acting, however. Along with producing partners Chad Allen and Christopher Racster, Robert has started the film and television production company, myth garden. They optioned an exciting slate of initial projects, each with varying degrees of gay-focused content, and are developing a number of other films and television shows. While he gives time to a number of philanthropic and political causes, Robert's "torch issue" is that of aging in the gay community. 早年经历 甘特出生在坦帕市的古巴裔佛罗里达州。他开始在电视广告代理,并加入了10岁,在他的佛罗里达州家中的演员工会。.在11岁时,他表现为希望的普遍服务义务之行的一部分与鲍勃霍普软鞋常规。他主修英语文学在宾夕法尼亚大学,然后参加在乔治敦大学法学院。在学习法律,他从未放弃对他真正的激情,表演,并在许多戏剧制作完成。这是他作为一名律师,使他到洛杉矶时,他接受了与世界上最的律师事务所的职业地位,该公司洛杉矶办事处被关闭后不久,所以他决定将重点放在了他的所有行动的时间自2001年以来,甘特出现了Showtime的同志亦作为本布鲁克纳,他最著名的角色,到目前为止,民间电视。在此之前同志亦凡人,他似乎对世行的流行和NBC的卡罗琳在城市。甘特已在电视节目中客串演出,如维罗尼卡的衣橱,贝克尔,爸爸,艾伦,普罗维登斯,和整容/塔克。他还出现在独立电影的合同,时断时续和玛丽和布鲁斯主演朱丽安·摩尔和马修·布鲁德里克。甘特住客主演,朋友的插曲,就在酷儿马特巴塔利亚是由于民间住客中学明星主演也。罗伯特描绘贾森,敏感的人菲比布菲日期。2004年6月,冈特,随着女演员卡迪哈夫曼(百老汇明星玩制片人),拍摄贝利的父亲是一个Fudgepacker。Theshortfilmisanhomageto1950seducationalfilms.该短片是对20世纪50年代教育影片致敬。 演艺经历 2003年,甘特收到了特别奖颁发公民权利在纽约市政厅他。其他受助人沙龙Gless和烈风哈罗德,如民俗,也是酷儿随着芝加哥导演罗伯马歇尔,莎莉麦克琳,和斯蒂芬戴德利。2004年,罗伯特,连同“酷儿其他成员民俗”的剧组,被表彰的全国石墙民主党创建,并提出,在其所有的积极变化,爱同性恋家庭。在5月的同一年(2003年),全国同性恋者工作队(NGLTF)授予在其年度NGLTF领导奖在华盛顿冈特,并于2006年,在人权运动颁发国家平等奖的罗伯特甘特第11届纳什维尔平等权利运动的晚餐。他在好莱坞的时间并不限于行动,但是。随着生产的合作伙伴查德·艾伦,和克里斯托弗Racster,罗伯特甘特已经开始了电影和电视制作公司,“Mythgarden。”他们期权的初步计划,与同性恋不同程度的重点内容,每个石板,并正在制定其他的电影和电视节目数量。虽然他给的时间,慈善机构和政治原因数目,甘特的“火炬”的问题是,老龄化的同性恋社区。他支持GLBT长者如耆康(高级宣传组织)和GLEH(同性恋长者住屋)。他还制定专门讨论同性恋问题的长者,并影响到他们的网站。他支持在她对民主党总统候选人提名的申办希拉里克林顿。截至2007年,甘特居住在洛杉矶。他是负责协调与莉萨尔斯坦和布兰达在特殊投递,一个终身电影网在2008年底原电影播出歌明星。2015年,甘特在电视剧《女超人》中饰演了主角的父亲佐-艾尔。





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